Our Mission is...

to engage people in transforming encounters with Jesus

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Our Vision is...


to become a movement of Jesus-followers who live out a relevant and transformative faith in our community, multiplying disciples, leaders, and new faith communities

We Value...

Living Like Jesus

We value being the prayerful heart and hands of Jesus in our homes, communities, and beyond, in an effort to help God redeem His lost creation.

Transforming Faith

We value being bold faith-takers to see people, communities, and nations changed for the glory of God.  When Jesus asks us to live and act in radical obedience and generosity, our answer in advance is YES!

Authentic Discipleship

We value being a real and relevant community of Jesus' followers who make disciples, who make disciples; multiplying God's people and presence locally and globally.

Kingdom Diversity

We value being a community of diversity, representing every age, race, and social status; unified through the redeeming message of Jesus.

Missional Relationship

We value being people who grow in our love for one another and are passionate about serving the community we live in, through demonstrating the transforming love of Jesus to the world around us.